Home » News News Filter byBusiness RegulationBusiness TaxCurrent AffairsgeGovernment AnnouncementsPAYE and NIPersonal TaxSavingsVATNine million people increased borrowing in 2020January 25, 2021The proportion of borrowing £1,000 or more increased to 45%.Millions to face fines if self-assessment tax return deadline missedJanuary 22, 2021Taxpayers could face fines totalling to £250 million. Page 126 of 126« First«...102030...122123124125126
Nine million people increased borrowing in 2020January 25, 2021The proportion of borrowing £1,000 or more increased to 45%.
Millions to face fines if self-assessment tax return deadline missedJanuary 22, 2021Taxpayers could face fines totalling to £250 million.